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Type II Diabetes

If you are interested in finding out your eligibility for our diabetes clinical trials in Sandy and Ogden, Utah, or Reno, Nevada, contact us today. We can do a screening to determine if you qualify to participate.

1 in 10 Americans suffer from diabetes, and it has quickly become a global health concern. We are striving to help find more effective medications in the treatment of diabetes, in an effort to one day find a cure. We currently have a variety of diabetes studies open.

You may be COMPENSATED for your time. All visits are at no cost to you or your insurance.

We prioritize your confidentiality and handle protected health information (PHI) to ensure patient privacy and compliance with HIPAA regulations. We will not share your personal information.

Eligibility Criteria

  • At least 18 years of age
  • Diagnosed with Type II diabetes
  • Have a BMI (Body Mass Index) greater than 27.
  • Must have an A1c between 6.5-10.5

If you do not know your BMI you can calculate it here

Learn More
Fill out an interest form and we will give you a call with more information.

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