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We have partnered with Gastroenterology of the Rockies to conduct a clinical trial for those diagnosed with celiac disease.

Individuals who have been diagnosed with celiac disease may still have occasional symptoms such as abdominal pain, abdominal cramping, bloating, and gas, despite being on a gluten-free diet. If you have celiac disease and experience some of these symptoms periodically, this might be a good study for you.

You may be COMPENSATED for your time. All visits are at no cost to you or your insurance.

We prioritize your confidentiality and handle protected health information (PHI) to ensure patient privacy and compliance with HIPAA regulations. We will not share your personal information.

Benefits for qualified participants:

  • Free medical care at no cost to you or your insurance
  • Compensation for time and travel
  • Access to cutting edge medication before it's on the market
  • Will receive up to 2 EGDs (upper scope)

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